Final research project: materials

Modern Japanese visual culture-Otaku culture

Here, I show some interesting materials I mentioned in my final research and some interesting things about Otaku.
1. The movie: Train man

It is an interesting movie, even I used it to introduce otaku, as a matter of fact, it is a love story which is pretty beautiful and warm, and its theme also includes redemption and relationship, so I highly recommended you guys to watch it.
Anime:   干物妹 うまるちゃん!(Himouto! Umaru-chan)

Oh, when I talked about this anime, I always cant press down my enthusiasm in my heart. To be honest, it is one of my favorite anime. Yes, I love it!!!!!!!
For sure, this anime is well to present a huge amount of 二次元 fans to hide their hobby in front of social public.

3.Moe culture

It is my original topic when I started write my paper, but I think it is not social and critical enough, so I replaced it. It is the most important culture in contemporary Japan, and it is also part of Otaku culture. Moe is translated based on pronunciation of Japanese word 萌え, which means cute. Otaku like these cute virtual girl character, they even take them as their wife, so you can see their passion about virtual world through Moe culture.

4. Comic Market

It is the biggest event for otaku in Japan every single year, it could be said as otaku World Exhibition. Anime fans and doujinji author will sell their art works and some comic related products here, so it is a ceremony for these anime fans. A lot of anime fans will come from world to attend this event, and the amount of visitors could be more than 550000 people.

5. Normal Imagination about Otaku
It is an interesting video made by one of my favorite video maker Gigguk. He introduced normal imagination about otaku.



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